
HiTechnic NXT Angle Sensor的照片與產品摘要

由Google Archived中LegoEd的Hitechnic Nxt Angle sensor上架頁面中所留下來的照片, 不知道這樣的支撐結構是否能應付 PF motor的激烈操作? 個人覺得應該還要再加強一些.

The HiTechnic Angle Sensor provides a method to determine the angular position and rotation speed of an axle. When a LEGO Technic axle is connected to the Angle Sensor, the sensor will measure the axle rotation and output three properties:
(1)  angular position in the range of 0 to 359 degrees,
(2)  accumulated rotation angle in degrees,
(3)  and axle rotation speed (RPM).
(4) The Angle Sensor supports separate commands to reset the current angle and the accumulated angle registers and provides a low friction cross axle connection and is accurate to one degree resolution.

能輸出這麼多資料, 還可以reset讀取值, 可見就是用 I2C 方式存取, 唉 .... 這樣反應速度肯定慢

